

by - Thursday, October 06, 2016

The ger and I went for some chicken fix at Yoogane over the weekdays. Here are some dool-worthy photos. 

Cheese Chicken Galbi $55.90
It was the new launch of the Cheese galbi version ( apologies for the late post. This new item was introduced in around Aug.) The galbi was on point. Spicy and flavorful as usual.
The cheese on the other hand... did not live up to expectations. The melting was relatively slower that the rate at which the main plate of galbi was cooked. By the time the cheese had melted, it turned cold rather quickly and we were advised not to heat up further as the galbi might get burned. Thus, the melted cheese turned hard rather quickly among the chit chats and what not. Not pretty. 
Perhaps this situation happens for all cheese galbi. I am recommending to just have the galbi on it's own , original  way and do away with the other fanfare. It will cost cheaper without the cheese anyway. 

3 Gateway Drive #03-08
Singapore 608532
Tel: 6710 7821

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