

by - Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Was super delighted to be selected as1 of the 3 winners among hundreds of entries for a foodie tour with Miss Tam Chiak at The Centrepoint. First time meeting the very friendly Maureen too. Brought dearie sis along and we had a really great pig-out with generous servings from the dedicated eateries. Here's a recap on what we had that day! 

Spoilt Silly 
We were spoilt with a generous spread of Hong Kong dim sum from Honolulu Cafe's first outlet in Singapore. This well loved Hong Kong Cha Chaan Teng is famous for its Egg Tarts, Pineapple bun with butter, Honolulu Coffee and so much more!

Baked Pork Chop in Tomato Sauce with Spaghetti/ Rice $9.50
If you love sweet base, this is for you. For me the spags didn't really wow me but I definitely adore the tender and juicy marinated porkchop topped with melted cheese. The sunny side-up adds on a happy note to the meal.

Shrimp Toast $5.
Yes shrimp paste wrapped inside toast fried at high temperature and topped with mango jam.
 Savory sweet, you get the idea.

Seriously, I love the Fish Fillet Curry Rice $8.5
the curry was thick and flavorful and goes well simply with white rice. 
Simple comfort food.

Chicken Wings with sweet sauce $6
A delightful starter, the honolulu Swiss Sauce gives the chicken wings a sweetish sesame taste to the wings. Hot favourite.

Kitchen Tour
We were even shown to a very interesting kitchen tour and witnessed some actions by the chefs for their famous tarts preparations.

Here's where the tart doughs were chilled and stored.

Chef Guan Jia Le from Hong Kong and the lead pastry chef in Honolulu Singapore. 

For Hongkong Dim Sum treats and all, consider heading to Honolulu Cafe! 
Honolulu Cafe
The Centrepoint, #01-33F/G

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