

by - Friday, January 20, 2017

1. Icelandic Hot Dog

Part of Iceland's culture is its hot dog. When it doubt, simply order with "everything" — ketchup, chopped onions, mustard, remoulade (sauce similar to tartar) — served fresh and piping hot. 
While reading the in-flight magazine on Swiss Air, I came across one such famous hot dog kiosk right in downtown Reykjavik, "Bæjarins Beztu".
This chain was named the best hot dog in town in 2006 and we could not wait to get our hands on Icelanders' favourite. With more than 20K likes on Facebook, you know the brand is definitely to be reckoned with. 

We were right on the dot when the kiosk opens at 10 am but the sky was still dark, during the winter season last November. 
We were not the first in line. A bunch of local girls were faster than us.

Do not bother figuring out the menu. Or risk looking like an absolute noob. :)
Pylsa = Hot dog Kr. 420
Unless you do not want or are allergic to certain ingredients, order with "everything" just like the locals. 

Bæjarins Beztu's Hot Dog

Our order appeared within minutes and there. All the goodness. The sausage is a mixed of mainly lamb, pork and beef mixture. Tasted like a party in my mouth with all the spicy-sweet sauce and crisp and raw onions. Paired with the piping hot bun and you have a filing simple meal.
Thumbs up. 

Where To Find Them

Pósthússtræti & Tryggvagata ( located right on Tryggvagata street)
Reykjavík, Iceland

2. Icelandic Fish

How do you like your Herring marinated and pickled? Pickled herring is a delicacy in Europe and is a traditional dish for Christmas, especially in the Nordic. These pickles are usually accompanied with biscuits, rye bread etc.
See the pink and yellow bowls? Those are strawberry and curry sauce mixed in with the cured herring. Yes, curry ( 'karry' in Icelandic). The curry version tasted very reasonable in fact but the strawberry was a tad too sweet. The original version? It has a stronger fishy smell. 
Give it a try won't you? 

You would have heard Iceland has the freshest seafood and fishes. Access to fresh fish is tops in Iceland. During our trip, we ate plenty of cod and salmon. As a salmon lover I had fully embraced the thick sweet slabs of fatty fish, usually grilled.

3. Icelandic Lamb

Icelanders love their sheep and more so, mutton. Cooked in various styles —smoked, braised, grilled, stir-fried — they are found often in everyday dishes. For me, the lamb smell is always too strong, even Icelandic sheep cannot escape that.  If you have not tasted Icelandic lamb, you have not lived. Or so they say. 
Hangikjöt (smoked lamb), on the right, is a favourite with the locals and is served as a cold dish. We had a go at it and it was not too bad but a tad too salty. 

4. Icelandic Water

Iceland's tap water is safe for drinking and is in the purest of all forms, having come from the icebergs surrounding the country. Even if you had purchased bottled water from the supermarts, it tastes exactly the same. Why not save a substantial amount from buying water? Just drink from the tap!
From the tap, the hot water tends to have a very distinctive sulphuric smell as compared to cold water. This may get some getting used to, but the smell is really not that bad once you get pass the first, two tries and the water tastes just as what water does. We drank from tap water for 9 days throughout and felt great, knowing the potential mineral benefits did cheer us up too.

5. Huffer Puffer

For adventurous, go for the horse, whale or puffin meat. Try Dill and Matur og Drykkur in Reykjavik.

6. Skyr Yogurt

Skyr is an Icelandic yogurt brand and there are no reasons why you should miss it. Head to any supermarts and there you can find them easily.  This low-fat dairy is deliciously smooth and creamy, high in protein and other health benefits with lots of flavors to choose from.

This was how Skyr Yogurt is served at our guest house — with caramel sauce and all.
Lovely yummy.

7. Plokkfiskur

This fish and potato stew looks delicious and is usually served with dark and sweet rye bread. A modern classic.

They are commonly sold at pitstop petrol kiosks and no, looking similar to lasagna. Look out for 'Fish Stew with Rye Bread and Butter' possibly in the menu ( 2200kr = 18 Eur)

8. Kjötsúpa

Icelandic lamb soup is clearly a regular home-cooked dish served with vegetables. I did not have the chance to taste it though.

9. Where is 'M'?

If you are missing your McDonalds, miss not, for you will not be tucking into cheeseburgers anytime soon in Iceland. I was amazed to discover the lack of the yellow neon sign. Yes, a country with no Mac invasion.
Instead, you will still be able to spot other international fast food chains such as Domino, Subway and Dunkin' Donuts.

Share with me what are your must-eats when in Iceland?
Leave a comment below! Love to hear from you.

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