
Find 100 Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo @City Square ( Johor Bahru, Malaysia)

by - Saturday, January 24, 2015

*All photos are copyright of the author*

Yoohoo! I am about to showcase many many photos Elgena, his b/f vinson and I went visiting the 100 years Doraemon Expo at Johor Bahru City Square last year in Dec. I had a fun time spending with this cute couple who made me feel at ease. Thanks ger!! 

Boy, was I glad the exhibition made it's round over to JB which makes visiting so much easier! We had first saw this exhibition from Instagrams when it started way back in May/ June, happening over in KL, but found no time to go over.  So upon chancing their advanced ticket sales in JB City Square, immediately went to buy. 

Everything was so adorable and CUTE MAX. You can imagine I was practically squealing at every corner (literally). 
Let the pictures speak to you. Enjoy!! 

The exhibition at Johor Bahru City Square lasted from 30 Aug 2014 to 4th Jan 2015 and the early bird tickets we bought were RM20 if I remembered correctly. ( originally RM25).

Grinning from ear to ear. So much so can't even see our eyes anymore and we have not even stepped into the exhibit.

Tada- and there we were right inside! 

Photo with Jing Xiang and Da Xiong! 
Doraemon mascot was over at Singapore that time to promote this expo. Bummer. 

We also bought the physical hard copies which came in a cute frame.

The exhibition displays 100 variations of the Doraemon holding different gadgets with different facial expressions and gestures. These gadgets had appeared in the stories of Doraemon throughout all theses years. Some like the time machine, vanishing porthole, memory bread where farmiliar to us.While other gadgets and their functions were new to us. It was as if we were transported back to another wonderland and era in a matter of minutes

The teleport door~

Are you bored yet? I hope not! If you have been to the expo as well I am sure you would have had much fun just like us!
Do you know Doraemon was originally yellow in color with 2 ears? However his ears were bitten off by a robotic mouse while in the factory and he cried and cried till his color was washed off to the current blue. >_<

The 100 Doraemons were not all, more to come!
Now moving on to another exhibit area with interactive props.

You need no handphone with this sound travelling device:)

Playing Cupid

Our Best display of flying Hopter~~~ 

YES ! I mastered my Timetable with the Memory Bread!

I shrunk YOU! Elgena super cute~~


Fallin in Love under the Umbrella! hahahahah

Classic Doraemon scenes were recreated as well!! SuchFun!

Kanna Whack

What drinks to buy???

Best friends!

Take 1 

Take 2- Burst out laughing because my student was SO naughty!


Smack your butt for being naught

Let's shop! But first let me weat a Doraemon cap. Stylish? 

Specially commenerated pins. 

There were also carnival games for all to win some Doraemon prizes. Traditional ones like whacking cans, fishing etc. But not easy to win. 

There was even a cafe with Doraemon food products but we didn't buy.

Okay we have come to the end of the 100 Doraemon Expo! 
Hope you had fun looking at the pictures if you have missed this exhibit.
Till next time!

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