
my first SOLO trip to Korea... coming soon.... ^^

by - Thursday, April 04, 2013

On a happy note.... I am embarking on my first SOLO trip in 5 days!! Yes it will be to Korea! My favorite country in the world ( after my homeland Singapore... ^^ I am patriotic okay?)

Anyway these few days I have been so busy planning and finalizing things for my Korea trip, I have no time to blog or update. Not only that there are so many events happening when I will be away... like Ben and Jerry's FREE CONE DAY on 9th April and many event from omy that I didn't even applied for as I will be away :( :( :(

Of course I am both anxious and worried too as this is my first time travelling alone. Having heard of many encouraging stories from my female friends, celebrities, bloggers who have traveled alone, I was tempted to try it. Besides, Korea seems to be safe enough and with my command of Korean ( though not expert yet), I hoped I can play well and have fun there!!

I have already planned for many sightseeing, places I have never been to before last time and to discover new sights and different sides and culture of Korea. All on my own pace and to my own interest.
I am really interested in exploring the cultural, heritage side of Korea.

My first stopover will be at Daegu, Jinhae Festival, Gyeongju and back to Seoul, Gyeonggi-do.

Sounds simple but in fact I have to take note of many things such as the time table schedules for the trains especially and in places like Gyeongju where I have to take buses to reach the attractions, I have to search for where the bus stops are, the map, the bus number, the route of the bus, frequencies etc.! You have no idea how many times I have looked under the Naver map  repeatedly.  (paste over the names of places you want to go to in Korean)

I am going for 2 weeks!! So.... Please send me lots of love and luck.

And I just discovered this new V and O train Service that will open to public on 12th April and so happens I will be around the region. I am still working out how I can squeeze this in my trip, but I think it will be very interesting offering pretty scenery along the way.
I will be sure to report on it if I managed to ride it. Aren't you excited just by reading about this new feature? I am... ^^

By the way, it seems like the weather is really COLD now in Korea? 10 over degC? How thick clothings should I bring? I really find it hard to pack such thick jackets when the weather in Singapore now is burning.... haha
Do you have any suggestions for me on traveling to Korea? Do comment below and share with me..

I am not sure what to expect along the way but hopefully I will meet nice people too....

So till then!! will update soon...... 

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