

by - Monday, September 12, 2016

Natural Heat Remedy
PSLove wants to make every women feel at ease during their period and to relieve menstrual pain which is so commonly found and prevalent in more than 50% of the female population, they proudly present their flagship product — MenstruHeat
MenstruHeat is nothing more than an au natural heat pad formulated to reach a therapeutic temperature for effective menstrual pain relief. It's non-medicated and extra convenient to bring around. 

Why heat?
Heat has been clinically proven to work by relaxing uterine muscles, in turn promoting blood circulation and bringing in more oxygen to affected area, reducing cramps and backaches. 

3 ways to use MenstruHeat
Choose your favourite temperature by selecting which area to paste.
Caution: check your skin every 1-2 hours to prevent low temperature burn or blistering.
For the best effect, stick on 2-4 hours before pain as heat takes time to penetrate into your body and to take effect.

My Thoughts
You will be glad to know that MenstruHeat is registered with the Health Science Authority of Singapore and is locally designed by PS Love. 

For me, I stick around the womb area on top of the underwear to let it gradually transmit the heat to the area, soothing any pain I might have. It takes 5-10 minutes to get really hot so be patient. Besides, there's no side effect really and doesn't itch your skin after peel-off. What a life saver!! I have passed on to friends who have tried and they sang raves on MenstruHeat and its ease of use. 

Stock Up!
Subscription online starts from as low as $4.50 for every 2 pieces in 2 months and comes with FREE shipping and you can choose the quantity. How's that for convenience? 

They are now also stocked at Guardian Stores for the same price of 2 pieces

Quote my Name "JIAHUI" for 20% off first order on menstruheat.com

So if you like to try, I will be doing a Twin Pack giveaway to 2 lucky girls!
 ( P.S Guys, you can win it as a gift to your girlfriend/wife too!) 

2. Comment on IG post why you want to win it
3. Tag 2 friends who needs MenstruHeat 
4. Repost IG with #jiagivaway

Giveaway ends 20th September!
Good Luck! 

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