

by - Friday, May 06, 2016

Embrace Your Inner Child

I remembered did a mental flip when I reached the carpark of Rainbow Village when I Finally what I have seen in the photos came alive, right in front of my eyes! That’s how exhilarated I was, Colors cheers us up and nothing boosts that better than immersing yourself in the rich local Taiwanese flavors of Rainbow Village 彩虹眷村/ 干城六村. It's amazing how the strong colors don't clash but make it outstanding. From taking a photo with Rainbow Grandpa to Mr Ironman, you will have a candy-time here. 
A famous village well loved by locals and tourists alike. 

How did Rainbow Village Come About? 

What started out as a past time activity for an old retired Taiwanese army soldier, more commonly known in local terms as 老荣民 (lao rong min), turned out to be a huge attraction much later for locals and foreign visitors. 

This retired army soldier is none other than 黃永阜先生 ( Mr Huang Yong Fu) of Hong Kong origin, also affectionately known as Rainbow Grandpa, loosely translated from the Chinese name 彩红爷爷 (Cai Hong Ye Ye)He had joined the army in his prime years during the World War and had eventually settled down in Taichung. After servicing the army, these retired soldiers from that period were each given a house/lodging known as 眷村 (juan4 chun1) where they can live with their families. Many retired soldiers from that era have since passed away and Mr Huang is one the few surviving ones. 

Colourful, Whimsical  And Bold

 For Huang, who is currently over 95 years old, he first started his "graffiti" artworks from within his house’s compounds before proceeding to the external walls and eventually — every corner of the house.  The paintings by Mr Huang portrayed significant messages to encourage everyone. Messages of the past, present and future awaiting for visitors’ discoveries and interpretation. The drawings, child-like and merry, gave the village a new lease of life. I am glad that he decided to draw and paint. Using cement paint, each of the characters is intricate and displays unique strokes, creating a sense of individuality and a great showcase of his otherwise hidden talent.

Messages like 相亲相爱 means to Love Each Other and accompanied by such magical and adorable drawings of imaginary characters. Creative right?
 And such a flair for painting!
If you love murals then check out my post on Malipu Mural Art Trail in Taichung , endless fun snapping photos with the pretty street murals.

The characters carrying blessings of wealth and happiness.

 Huang’s whimsical, child-like drawings really brightened up my day. I am sure yours will too when you visit.

If you need encouragement in your life.
Here are some golden words. Loosely translated as " Endure the pains first before sweetness arrives."

Where to find Rainbow Grandpa?

Catch Rainbow Grandpa at the merchandising store, Grandpa Huang is always up for a chat and photo taking!
Much in the pink of health, Grandpa wears a bright smile for visitors who came chatting with him in an exchange of smattering Cantonese. Grandpa is one who certainly embraces the public’s affections generously. 

His poses are so cute!

Moving On

The area of the village is not huge and you can easily complete it in an hour or so, plus photo taking.

Even little decorations like lanterns can be so tastefully drawn by hand and happily made alive.

More messages of blessings such as blessing a newly-wed couple with newborns.


Mr "Iron Man"

History aside, the Rainbow Village makes a great photography spot, amidst the fun colorful background. If you are in luck, you may just spot Mr Iron Man. This street artist/ busker is currently a student and I was told he comes to the village mostly on weekends or anytime random.  He sings, strums and claps along with the crowd. If you ever meet him, join the snaking queue in having a photo opportunity with him as he will direct you into taking amazing special effect photos! As my guide told me, the waiting times takes 1 to 2 hours on peak period and guests don’t always get their turn. I recommend if you have time, however, to go ahead and wait in line as the photos taken with him were really awesome! Just google.  
Not to mention that his whole suit of Armour getup first perfectly with the vibrant cheer of the village.  
I didn't meet him but I hope you will when you visit Rainbow Village!
(Source: Initial.Hometown)

Candy Land

Every corner, you will find something funny and delightful. It's like walking through a candy land through the eyes of a child again. 

You can feel Grandpa Huang's sense of humour when you spot things like celebrities 張菲 's  name adorned on the walls. 

and.. 猪哥亮??!! ^___^

Pretty photo spots everywhere~

Even the floor was not spared from Huang's creativity

A Legacy

The crowd is massive in the morning even on a weekday. ‘People mountain people sea’ can be quite apt in describing the scenario. This is also the only place in Taichung where I spotted Singaporeans by the way.
 The Rainbow Village is a  happy place to walk, through all the colourful lanes and walls. 
Every visitor can definitely feel the effort Grandpa Huang has put in making the village so beautiful and creatively a joy! 

I strongly recommend you to experience the 眷村 culture, a piece of the army history and pay the village a visit and am pretty sure his legacy will continue for generations to come, as curious eyes drop by to see Rainbow Village and appreciate Grandpa Huang's drawings.
 With a positive sense of humour, this house is a good piece of historical conversation property for Taichung.
Definitely worth a visit!!!

There are no admission fees to enter the village so do support Grandpa Huang by purchasing their very lovely merchandises!


Address/ 地址:南屯區春安里春安路56巷

You will need a local driver to drive you there, find one with KKday's Rainbow Village Half Day Tour. 

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