[Shoutout] #PSLove brings you Care Packages to tide over your period.

by - Monday, December 22, 2014

Guys do you know what can cheer up your girlfriend during that time of the month? Nope, you don't have to go to the extremes and spend some hundred bucks over some bags or flowers.

A customized Care Package from PSLove might just do the trick.

Weeks before our period, ladies experience the PMS- Premenstrual Syndrome which can range from physical to emotional and internal discomfort. These can be emotional outburst, outbreaks on the face ( which I get esp nearing this period), indigestion, bloating etc. You name it we women got it. For some ladies, they can experience heavy abdominal discomfort and can result in a huge hindrance to daily lives.

With different symptoms and discomforts level varies during that time of the month, what better way to soothe the anxiety than with a loving, care package of treats and remedies to make you/ the women in your life feel better? 
The PSLove delivery team makes sure your package arrives 1 week or so earlier to prepare you/your loved ones for the period and will even send an SMS to the sender before delivery is made. As a gift, you can also craft any message you want to the received. Imagine what a lovely surprise it will be for any girls!

Plus, some sense of humor definitely helps to lighten the mood~
It aren't easy to be a women but things can be make sweet with this period care package from PS Love. Even Doraemon is excited like me~~

Was really impressed by the thoughtful and delicate packaging, definitely will be able to lighten up any girls' day.

The period Care Package consists of these treats and period essentials to make our lives easier and happier with its cheerful goodies.

 launching a new range of remedy - MenstruHeat (www.menstruheat.com) helps to relief and soothes cramp pains at the adominal. Non intrusive and effective this is definitely a comfort for ladies. 

Of course, we have the most essential survival kit- pads and tampons,  necessary for this time of the  month and PSLove has plenty of brands for you to choose from. :) 
How thoughtful and sweet. 

Healthy and nutritious, here are the yummy sweets you can expect to receive. Not just any snacks, these contain ingredients which are mood boosters for that time of the month. These delectable treats change monthly so you won't be bored. 
For this month, They are: 

1. Superfruits- Rasberry & Promegranate Fruit bar. Made without artificial colors of flavors, consisting of less than 120 calories.
2. Palmer Merry Mints
3. Christmas Shortbread for special festive celebrations!
4. Tim Tam Chocolate bites- combination of tim tam biscutis in thick chocolate, makes you feel good and glee.
5. Christmas Chocolates to embrace the season of love! Yummy
6.Organix Mini Gingerbread Men- Tasty orgranic biscuits sweetened with grape juice and made of wholegrain organic wheat flour
7.Yogi Relaxed Mind Tea- helps to balance the mood and turue creativeie with its aromatic Lavender and Organic Sage. 

Thanks Peckying for the oh-so-sweet handwritten card~ Merry X'mas to you too sweetie~~
Loving the pretty handwriting :)

Now, every lady has something to look forward to with such warmth and care during period. Have something to look forward to have no fear! 
Relax, enjoy and have a happy period. 

Ladies, it's time to pamper yourself or your loved ones with a specially customized  period care package by PSLove.  Spread the love and have a happy period ladies!
  I am so glad to have PSLove as my feminine care provider and you too can enjoy the happiness and convenience the PSLove package can bring into your life. 

Order the PSLOVE packages to try them out~~ 

Be Happy, Sparkling! :)


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Instagram: @ PSLove_co 

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