
[Shoutout] #Throwback Garfield Run in Singapore

by - Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hello!! I am sharing pictures of the (first ever?) cartoon character run this year in Singapore- The Garfield Run. Long over due, but the cute run took place on July 19 at The Promontory encircling the Marina Bay Sands area. At merely 3km and 5km at most for couple categories, it was a fun and delightful run where friends and families gathered together for an evening bonding. Children are happiest of all- inclusive of adults who are young at heart too ^^
( You do know that Hello Kitty Run is coming soon right?)

Was there with Elgena~~

With the Garfield goodie bag

Garfield Tentage/activities area

Garfield in your Face

When at a chartoon character themed run, what do you do? Take Lots of photos of course! 

Waves of Yellow~~

Of course, what's Garfield Run without Garfield right???!! And good old friend Odie!

So adorable CUTE!! But why no photo opportunities with them?? I hope they have it next time round

Flag OFF~~

Run~~~ It's a very relaxed run, don't look to it for anything 'constructive' okay :)

But lovely views of the Marina Bay along the way

Sunset and National Day Rehearsals right across at the Floating Platform

End of the 3Km Run! Here's with the medal~~ The medal is very lovely I must say

Take 2~~

Reward was Ice Cream 'Glow' sticks and popcorn~~ Now popcorn was a first for me at runs.

And lovely, gorgeous fireworks to bring an end to the Garfield Run 2014!! 

Stunning right??

Saying BYE!! thanks for reading!

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