Special Deals from Japan's BLACK PAINT Skincare

by - Tuesday, July 15, 2014

hello gals~ Remembered the Japanese skincare brand BLACK PAINT's Launch I went to last year at Alkaff Mansion ?
Today I am sharing with updates from Black Paint once again + some good deals if you read on.

BLACK PAINT was established by founder Miyuki Maeda's through her researches for her daughter's kidney disease which now translates into caring and effective skincare series for ladies.
 In the blink of an eye, I am proud to announce that BLACK PAINT Soap has won yet another year of the Monde Selection Award “GRAND GOLD”. One of  the highest ranking obtainable. 
To understand more about the Monde Selection Awards, click.

If you have forgotten, the star product of BLACK PAINT is the BLACK PAINT SOAP120g (S$49.9). 
For an intro into BLACK PAINT products, watch this engaging video below...

And right now, there's a Promotion going on! Scroll down...

But before that, if you need a video guide as to how to fully utilise the products for your 28days skin care regime, watch the videos below, really helpful for your first steps! This video gives you a step by step instructions on how to use the products in 4 simple steps and the explanation behind each of their functions.

From now till 24th July, BLACK PAINT is having an experience counter in Takashimaya Basement 1 near the near L'Occitane counter. I personally dropped by to their counter to check out what's in-store and experienced their all-round 4 steps skin care demo.

BLACK PAINT only uses the most natural and organic ingredients.

.These are the lovely set items, in original full sizes.

And... as mentioned this is the Promotion I was talking about!
Yes, first of all download the coupon on Black Paint Singapore's Facebook and for every purchase of their star product, the BLACK PAINT Soap 120g (S$49.9), you will be able to do a purchase on purchase for a trial set at just S$10 (worth S$90). Awesome, great-saving deal there. 

 The trial set contains all the 4 main items for your clear skin regime and comes in half sizes.

Experience a live-demo by the lovely BLACK PAINT girls and have a feel of the products for yourself .

I experienced the 4 steps Black Paint demo for and found them amazingly effective in deep cleansing.

 Here's a guide on how to use the BLACK PAINT Soap.

After cleansing off with warm water, it's time to apply the Best Water, Oil Water Rose and Water Cream. 

Straight from the experts, I have the information here on the products and how best to use them . 
My favorite will have to be the Best Water because of its soothing and light texture, which is basically water with lots of nutrients. 

 Next comes the Oil Water Rose which is really organic plant oil + rose water. These 2 layers you can be clearly seen in the product

As a final step, lock all the moisture with the Water Cream with its smooth creamy texture. 

 After all these has been applied, you might feel greasy and heavy in texture, but not to worry as after about  2 minutes these nutrients will soon be absorbed. Now you are ready to apply makeup or sleep your way to clear and healthier skin.

Balance Beauty and Wellbeing with BLACK PAINT. 

Like & Follow BLACK PAINT SG on their Facebook
Twitter:@blackpaintsg and Instagram:@blackpaintsg for updates and special offerings. 

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  1. Anonymous11:25 PM

    hi jiahui, I read your review and got myself this deal at Taka! Am using the soap this weekend. my face feels so clean!! - jj

    1. hi jj, yea! I am glad you are enjoying the soap, working well for you? the deal was really worth it... :)
