
My Adventure At The River Safari Singapore with Kai Kai and Jia Jia

by - Sunday, March 09, 2014

The River Safari Singapore is Asia’s first and only river-themed wildlife Park and sees its official opening in 28 February 2014 this year.  I am sure you are familiar with other parks under the Wildlife Reserves Singapore’s portfolio which includes the Jurong Bird Park, Night Safari and Singapore Zoo.

With a strong conservation message, the park’s open concepts together with the sheltered timber frame walkways are a refreshing concept. 

 Unlike the Singapore Zoo, you feel more spacious in the River Safari and not as enclosed. Surrounding the park are reservoirs and lush greenery which creates a cooling and soothing feel for the visitors. 

We headed for the Amazon River Quest as our first stop.  
The River Safari is clustered and named after the different iconic rivers around the world, such as the Nile, Ganges, and Amazon etc. 

Queuing in for the boat ride.

 When we went in February this year, the ride was complimentary (subj to availability) but now the Amazon River Quest cost an additional $5 (adult) and $3 (child) in addition to the River Safari admission tickets. The ride takes 10 mins. More information HERE

Here are some of the sights we saw along the river journey. 
Apart from minor ( twice to be exact) falls from heights, the whole journey was peaceful and calm under the blazing hot sun. But it was enjoyable and exciting for 1st timers like us nonetheless. 

The prettiest of all along the cruise were the flamingos with their bright striking colors and huge numbers.
They were prominent enough to be spotted and were active in action.

Some species of wild boars... but they were not facing us.

Can't spot the Monkeys.... perhaps too hot. 

Deers...but hardly any as many were in the hiding. 
So, in fact we didn't spot many of the animals along the journey perhaps due to the weather. Only those in air-conditioned enclosures and the birds were sighted. 

Happy again, we saw these bright orange birdies.

Videos of our 'adventure' ride ( which is actually very mild and definitely suitable even for the faint-hearted)

And so 10 mins were up and our journey ended, sadly...

We continued our walk to other areas.

Greenery and calming waters creates a more welcoming and embracement to nature without the feel of bricks and mortars. 
Timber and teaks were used in the walkway shelters. 

Warning: Lots of panda photos ahead.

"Hi! I am Kai Kai and I am busy eating my bamboo shoots now."

** Tugging very hard and happily chewing bamboos**

"Starting on my 2nd bamboo... why are you humans still snapping photos of me? I am just having my lunch."
*Nomph Nomph Nomph*

" Yum Yum~~ Don't give a hoot about humans as long as I am with my bamboos." ^^

" Okay I am done eating my bamboos, time to move on..."

" A bit of twisting exercise first before I get up" 

On the other hand Jia Jia, who lives on the other side of the habitat, prefers to seeks refuge in the cave and made a brief appearance before returning to her cave. I understand that it's more cooling with the fan inside her cave.. but so sad..

Can you spot Jia Jia?

Jia Jia turning her butt at us just split seconds. Perhaps she is more shy than Kai Kai and do not want to be around too many visitors. Anyway I still love the 2 of them! ♥♥

Back to Kai Kai, who decided to shift his position, he moved forward to the bamboo bed and laid down on his side with his legs wide open!! hahahah 
OMG so absolutely ADORABLE!!! We were exclaiming,"CUTE~!" 

This is actually how far we were from Kai Kai.... but both Kai Kai and Jia Jia live in a lovely, natural ( as natural as possible anyway) cooling habitat,with lots of TLC showered by their attendants, adorned with good quality food; albeit similar to kings and queens and making us envy to tears... :P

Finally Kai Kai decided to close his legs.... ^^

Taking a snapshot with Kai Kai behind me in a bear sprawl! 

Kai Kai and Jia Jia's diet.... even the display shouts cuteness~~

Just nearby, living in the same space as the pandas are their friend- The Red Panda

Slightly larger than a cat with a fox-like face.

Just facing the Red Panda is the Golden Pheasant! Look at the colorful vibrant colors, stunning isn't it?
 This bird prefers to run than fly.

Okay Break Time!
We headed to the Panda Mama Restaurant. 

Pri school students from St Margaret's on excursion.
                                            With the stack on vouchers we had, we bought what we could...

PANDA BUNS of course!
But who orders 8 Panda bus at one go anyway? 

You are now staring into the innocent face of the panda... 

The buns come in 2 flavors- Chocolate and Red Beans.
 Below shows the chocolate filling bun and red beans look about the same in appearance so I didn't take the photos. 
Yellow eyes are chocolate ones and Vice Versa.

We bought the mango and almond pudding as well.

If the weather wasn't so drying hot, it would have been much more pleasant to walk along these walkways with breeze... 

We headed to the Squirrel Monkey Forest

 Beautifully covered with grey and orange-yellow at the limbs, these monkeys are an active bunch. \

 Plently of ropes for the monkeys to swing and roam from place to place. Do not worry, the squirrel monkeys here in River Safari are tamer than those fierce and aggressive ones in Bali and will not snatch your spectacles randomly ( as what I had experienced back then) 

We headed on to the Amazon Flooded Forest where River Otters can be sighted if they swim pass this tunnel.

There are fishes that conduct electricity~~~~~

And the Piranha with their sharp razor teeth which can shred its prey to pieces. 

"Boo You Looking at ME?"

The gigantic aquarium display, very nice.

Of course we have the cuddly Gaint River Otter.
They are the world's largest otters and made their appearance in Asia for the first time.

Diver in action

Can you spot him? (I assume is He not She)

Anyway leading up, visitors can see the care takers feeding the aquatic animals

In another river portion, we saw the caretakers scrubbing the tank, definitely not an easy job even though the water is not deep. You need to be fully equipped in gear and have to scrub and be really meticulous on every inch of the glass panels. Great effort and patience needed for the job.

We went on a weekday and thought it would be crowded with tourists, but to our surprise the River Safari was quite empty and not as packed, which was good news.

This is the Murray River exhibit area.

Moving on... different fishes species.

" I am Real."
Stiff as a statue, the crocodile remained stationary in this position. 

Even the toilet shouts resort-style... Love the concept.

At the River Safari shop, there are cutie pandas for your purchase too! 

Adorable right???!! ^^ 
Kai Kai, Jia Jia....

...and Jiahui ( that's me) saying Bye~~ Thanks for reading. :)

For information about River Safari and ticket purchases
 https://www.facebook.com/wrs.sg for the latest deals and offerings.
 Have a rocking good time at the River Safari Singapore when you come visit Singapore! 

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  1. Thanks for your post on Singapore tourist attractions. Your post inspired me to check Singapore flyer price and it offered me most enthralling experience to my family and friends to spend the vacation in the most beautiful place in the world.

  2. My mom Bel, visited there already and She said that it is still not finished that time She visit.


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