
McDonald's Hello Kitty Fairy Tales Adventure starts on 30th May 2013!

by - Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I have to put the wordings in caps because I am SUPER EXCITED~~~~ hahahaha

Last Friday, after attending the Singapore Social Concerts, I was feeling hungry and so we headed over to the McDonald's at Plaza Singapura and I saw THIS: 

I was looking scrutinizing the banner for a VERY VERY Long time because I couldn't believe that Hello Kitty is launching here again at McDonald's. So soon???!! 

Okay so I asked the staff and was told it will be starting on this THURS 30th May!!!!  
Hello Kitty Fans, are you ready??~~~

And days later, Thanks to the good people of OMYSg and McDonald's, a group of us were invited over for the Hello Kitty plushies Launch Preview. How exciting was that? 

And so I arrived at mini Kitty land... Aren't this sweet. I am not a fan of pink but I definitely LOVE Hello Kitty. ^^

It was a frenzy of photo taking by all the bloggers....  We were all coo-ing and ah-ing over the CUTENESS of the Hello KITTIES!!! 

Revealing to you the cuties~~~PRETTY???  Wearing retro specs.

SO adorable~~ This time round McDonald's is launching a Hello Kitty Fairytale theme plushies~ 

The friendly staff from McDonald's gave us the introductions to their new campaign.

Other designs include the Yellow Duckling.

And..the special ltd edition- Witch Kitty, which only comes with Mcdelivery

More photo taking~~

Lovely blogger with her young kids~

Guess who I met? Dear Elgena!!!~~~ We even have the same taste in hello kitty and clothing~ hahah

The Kitties will cost and additional $4.60 with every Extra Value Meal of $4.50. Total= $9.10. Alternatively if you only want the plushies, you can purchase them at $10 each.  

Under McDonald's new 'Go Play' campaign, new breakfast platter- The McGrill Breakfast will be served on 30th May and comes with turkey bacon. Yum Yum. Look out for this new Breakfast combo.

New sauces will also be launched in June.... Honey Mustard and Wasabi! Love the Wasabi version, not too hot and just nice~~~ Grab them to go with your favourite nuggets. 

 Time for Hello Kitty's Makan!~~~ ( or rather my makan)

McDonald's is also launching the new Curry Shaker Fries and the Strawberry McFizz- filled with real strawberry pulp, it's deliciously thirst quenching. 
My kitty is definitely enjoying her meal.

Thanks to the folks at McDonald's and OmySg once again~~ Nuggets Meal

 The kind people of McDonalds decided to gave us more and more kitty plushies by answering simple questions, which was definitely no frills for Hello Kitty Lovers...

And so our collections GREW~~~~ 

Tada- met a new friend Sherie

With 6 Hello Kitty plushies to collect from, I am sure you will be kept busy for the next 6 weeks with McDonalds. 

Have fun collecting and enjoy the tastiness of McDonald's meals! Cheers~
For more info visit http://mcdgoplay.com/ for all the latest updates and to track the availbility of your kitties! 

(Just to side track: I am also running for the Singapore Blog Awards..... Pls vote for me (Jeez-Jia) and win great prizes~~ thank you!

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