
My First Letter To You in 2018

by - Monday, January 01, 2018

For You

Dear You,

Yes, you, reading this right now. Hi there! Thank you so much for staying with me on my humble little blog these past years. I may not know you personally but I am glad to have you readers by my side and I hope you have found my writings interesting and useful at some point in time, be it travel related or otherwise.

It has been an amazing year, getting to know many like-minded travel accquainatencs turned friends through social media and the opportunities to work with the various business brands.

On a personal level, I can't be more glad to have my closest loved ones by my side and thankful for their support, love and the memories will continue to share.

2017 has been a year filled with ups and downs. Regardless, we have weathered through the hardships, emerged stronger and now all is left is to harvest the sweet fruits.

"2017 has been a year full of lessons, but 2018 is the begining of anything you want." - jiahui

(P.S: Feel free to let me know the kind of contents you are keen for me to share and talk about more on this blog. And of course, I will always be delighted for you to drop me a note or hi via my Instagram, Facebook or email.)


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