

by - Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Welcome to The Eggy World
The very adorable Gudetama café comes alive in Hong Kong. It was as if we were thrown into a theme park altogether—sparked by cherry splashes of yellow and Gudetama portrayed in various food forms across the café. I couldn’t quite believe such kawaii concept can be found in Hong Kong without having to step into Japan for the authentic experience.

The decorations
The café is brightly reflective of the yellow eggy that Gudetama is. Though Gudetama is not the most positive character in the world, this egg yolk is well liked worldwide and has tons of ardent fans worldwide. 
Well, for his carefree-ness and the liberty to be indolent, this egg yolk deserves our most endearing love. 

Many little surprises popped up in every corner.

Sit on an EGGY chair while you are there! 

Adorable isn't it?
#TOPDOWN with four different designed "table mat".

Perched on the walls were more Gudetama plushies.

Who is?
I am beginning to think that Gudetama has more influence and popularity across Asia rather than in Japan- its birthplace. Gudetama in Japanese translation means “Lazy Egg” and this could not be more apt. This egg is best at complaining and lazes around while wasting time. Was the creator trying to mould a character yearning to break free from the typical Japanese’s culture of conforming to the social norms?  Gudetama reflects much on Japan’s social and cultural aspects through the illustrators’ eyes, appearing as an egg spread over a range of Japanese cuisine, “rising” to give his “words of wisdom”.
Gudetama’s video clips are slightly over a min and sometimes just leave you in a state of bewilderment as you try to comprehend what is the message behind, a full head of question marks.

So Cute!
The menu looks enticing with many adorable items and it was really hard to choose. Of course, we had to have the yummiest looking ones. Not an easy choice
Though I had *secretly* wished to order more, but the menu came with a value-worthy set option which includes a cup of orange juice served in, what else, but a cute Gudetama cup! 
The whole set makes quite a filling meal.
 Hamburger Steak And Cheese Curry Rice HK$129
Steak was tender and nicely done up soaking up the favourable melted cheese drowned in curry. Or rather, the other way round. Either way not bad!  
Don't you think Gudetama looks so LAZY here?? 
Such a slacker . HEA.

Pork Fillet With Omelette Curry Rice HK$119
A gorgeous flow of golden Japanese curry soaked in white pearly rice and topped with juicy crispy slices of pork katsu. The focal point lied on the character’s face — with its trademark dropping eyes and gaping mouth facial expression.  After snapping tons of pictures, we tucked in and the taste was just great. The curry was mild and not extremely spicy, as with themed restaurants and suitable for children.

Gudetama holding up a ‘烦’ bubble card which translates to into worrisome/agony in mandarin.

We actually enjoyed dining in very much. As a character themed café and you wouldn't really put high expectations on the food but comparatively, what we ordered was really not bad
A souvenir store just next to the cafe, shop away! 
Have a go at the fun cherry café for the young and old! 
No one is too big for the Gutedama Café and the ambience will bound to cheer you up. 

Gudetama Café by Izumi Curry
YATA, LG/F, apm Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road 
Opening: 11am – 10.30pm (Mon-Sun)

Kwun Tong MTR Exit A2


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