
[What to do in Singapore] Appreciating Pop Art under the HDB Void Decks.

by - Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Another totally random post of some very interesting HDB art I stumbled upon under Blk 8 Holland Avenue 1 fine day. I was exhilarated like a little child to come across pop art right under the void deck of Singapore's HDB!!! 
Is this a new concept? I dunno but I found it fascinating.  =P
So, I took  some  many photos. Basically the drawings are spoofs of renowned pop art artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Keith Haring added in with certain Singapore elements .

Portrait of Andy Warhol. 

Mujulah Singapura~~

So interesting right?! 
I have never came across something so whimsical  and awesome as part of  void deck's permanent deco. More void decks should definitely be splashed with art displays and paintings for a vibrant happy living environment.
Don't you think so? 

Share with me if you have sighted other interesting wall paintings in our HDB estates. 
#uniquelysingapore :D

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