
[Shoutout] Fitness starts with Contours Express

by - Saturday, January 17, 2015

Planning a new year resolution to slim down? Or simply wish to be fitter and healthier?

Perhaps Contours Express could open up a new training fitness plan for you.
Contours Express is voted the AsiaOne People’s Choice Award 2010 Best Wellness Provider and I had the opportunity to try out how Contours Express really works and how effective their circuit workouts are. 
Tailored for women only, this all exclusive female environment is conducive and friendly. With the promise of only using up to 29 mins, you will see yourself popping to various stations every 3 mins with the audio "Change Station" beeping out as a reminder. 
Now that's something new isn't it?

A novice at the circuit stations? The ever so friendly trainers will run through the circuit with you at every station. I had Via with me on the day and she was ever so patient and encouraging.

That's Via, my trainer for that day, ever so sweet but camera shy. :)

Before every new member starts on the regime, a detailed analysis about yourself along with your fitness level, health condition and fitness goals were discussed with a fitness trainer ( at no additional cost. All part of the membership services. More on that later).
 Fat and Water contents were taken into consideration as well and every 6 weeks thereafter, the trainers will monitor to check if your fat contents has decreased and if your health has improved.

Here's the layout of the circuit area.

At certain stations, all you need is to stand on the board and follow the 4-counts workout demo shown on the tv for 3 mins of course before moving on to the next station.

I love how they really personalized the workout experience. You get your own personal trainers who really stay with you. Even if you are the only one on the gym floor during non-peak hours, the trainer will be with you on the circuit ground. It's just like getting your own personalized trainers at no additional costs! These are all part of your privileges when you sign up and that's what makes them different from mega gyms. 

And before I forget, I was seated at the counter and for every lady who walks in, Via was able to address them by name! I was stunned ( in a good way :)). I mean how can you remember every names unless you are on a close basis right? This just shows how intimate Contours Express can be with their customers. 

The thing I like most is? Unlike mega gyms where you are left to your own discretion with the gym facilities, well unless you hire a fitness trainer, you will most likely not know if you have:

1. Been using the gym equipment correctly? Incorrect administration for a prolong period will cause sports injuries and instead of achieving your fitness goals, you might end up with pains all over. 

2. Really maximize and benefit from the exercises and weights training?

3. Strain your body? For women at the mega gyms, the dead lock weights at the various equipment can be all too heavy for our frames. Contours Express rocks the deal in catering for women's physique. They use smaller and lighter equipment for toning and firming, so you can exercise and get the maximum benefits for a womanly, fit and toned body. Yea! 

Along the way, I have learnt some correct postures when working out and realized some of what I have been doing were wrong! I was glad to correct myself. After 2 rounds of circuits, my heartbeat was taken to showed that I had utilized the rate optimal for my age to achieve calories burning.

We went through 2 rounds of the circuit spending about 1 hour, followed by stretching and cool down exercises.

Here are the circuit stations. Initially, I do have some problems remembering the steps and breathing techniques but I am glad Via was very patient in explaining and teaching. Correct breathing techniques are definitely necessary together with proper postures to achieve optimal workout results. 

Just like any other gyms, they do have a changing room with lockers, showering facilities etc. I didn't take many photos because I was exercising you know. :)

Tone and firm your body, strengthen your muscles, burn calories and improve mobility and flexibility, there are now no excuses for saying you don't have time for exercising. Perfect for women on the go, Contour Express has over 11 outlets islandwide and I am sure finding a convenient location will not be a problem, 
Even those with injuries can also take part using the  Vibration Training which helps conditions such as lower back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain

The Contours Express Membership Includes:
- Unlimited usage of the club
- Individualized instructions and usage of the equipment ( you will always have the trainers on the ground to supervise your progress on the ciricuits. Feel free to ask any of the staff if you have any questions or need help in anyway.)
- Proven weight management ( I did saw some member's progress reports and the fitness level increased over 6 months or so was incredible. Of course there are no quick means and ways. You will always have to balance your input ( what you eat) with output ( exercising)
- Personalized progress reports
- Visitation privileges at all locations

20 months memberships is now at $89 per month and  with free additional 4 months. + a 1 time membership fee of $75 ( original $175).

For more details on other packages you can experience, give Contours Express a call at 18002668687

Keep Fit and Stay Health ladies!

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