
[Shoutout] Singapore's First Ever Hello Kitty Run on 1st Nov 2014

by - Monday, August 25, 2014

I can't believe it! There's gonna be a Hello Kitty Run coming up soon in Singapore? Is everyone trying to play up the 'Cute' factors now by linking cartoon characters with runs?

First there was the Garfield Run (click to read my experience), which I went for because, yes I fell for the cuteness of Garfield being my childhood favourite character and couldn't wait to see how different a Garfield themed run could be. But alas...  

Anyway, yes Hello Kitty is like my all time favourite and I super love love love. But am I going to give $65 for the run just to get a limited edition kitty? I dunno I might think twice. These runs are great and fun and lovely for bonding with families and friends, but you can't really get a kick out of running.... seriously... 

Anyway you can choose to pre-register 1st then make payment later when the official ticketing opens later this year. Will you be heading?  :)

“The world’s most famous feline character, Hello Kitty, will celebrate her 40th birthday on 1st November 2014 with an inaugural Hello Kitty Run Singapore. The only Hello Kitty birthday bash in Southeast Asia will flag off with a one-of-a-kind birthday cake and birthday song sung by 15,000 fans.
Hello Kitty Run Singapore will feature a five kilometre route covering iconic landmarks around the city. The run is open to participants of all ages and aims to gather Hello Kitty fans and non-Hello Kitty fans to join in a big day out to celebrate Hello Kitty’s 40th mega birthday bash.
Created 40 years ago by Sanrio, the legendary icon, Hello Kitty brings love, happiness and encourage the forging of friendships and sharing across the world. Since her first appearance in 1974, she has flourished into a global phenomenon that is well-liked by both young and old. The fan base is no less in Singapore, with the Hello Kitty craze beginning as early as 2000.
All participants are entitled to an exclusive runner’s t-shirt and a special edition commemorative Hello Kitty plush toy. Registration is now open: www.hellokittyrun.com.sg and will close as soon as capacity is full.
In addition to the run, there will be a Hello Kitty Village and post-race fringe activities for participants to look forward to.”
Stay on with HelloKittyRun Facebook for updates.

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