
[Dining Korean Food in Singapore] Kko Kko Nara Korean Fried Chicken (Tanjong Pagar)

by - Thursday, May 29, 2014

Yes I am back at the Tanjong Pagar/ Tras area for some crispy Korean Fried Chicken (KFC) this time round. I have been wanting to try Kko Kko Nara's fried chicken for the longest time and finally! Just a short 5 mins walk from the Tanjong Pagar Station, this place is easy to locate. 

First up! As always, in a Korean restaurant we have the Banchans ( side dishes). Happy with the selections and plenty of top-ups as usual. hahah

We ordered:  Bo SSam Set $18.00
The set comes with pork belly BBQ ( already cooked in the kitchen), served with lettuce for your Bossam wrap, a soup ( we ordered Kimchi), a doshirak ( rice served lunchbox- style). 

It was meant to be a 1 person serving, but I think 2 or 3 person works just fine if you are planning to order other dishes. I love their pork belly and Kimchi soup.

Next up: Chicken Combo Small $20.00 ( cheaper than dinner by $6 or $8. Go for lunch! exactly the same serving.)
Comes in 3 different tastes, 3 pcs each: Original (left), Garlic (right) and Spicy (red)

To be honest? I was having high expectations as I have long heard they were famous for authentic Korean Fried Chicken. But truth be told?
Actually the taste wasn't as awesome as I had expected. I had tried KFC in Korea and 4Fingers in Singapore but why, I keep linking back to 4Fingers and was thinking how 4Fingers tasted much better and perhaps even more economical.

KKNR's KFC were a bit blah on taste... quite mediocre. The garlic flavor wasn't strong enough for me and the spicy version was a bit too sweet.
Also the chicken pieces were all cut up in different sizes and different parts, so it was a bit messy?
The chicken didn't come in hot and was perhaps just a bit lukewarm to say the least, turned cold in like 5 mins ( after snapping the photos )

Tada! Here's the lovely cuisine, fantastic on appearance. 
Still, it was a joy eating at KKNR with great company. 
The service was prompt with attentive servers (who are non-Koreans/Chinese) and the food was served readily fast, not much waiting time was needed. 

I definitely wouldn't mind revisiting just to try their KFC again, just to see if it will taste different. Haha
Have you tried their KFC before? How did you find it? 

Location:  57 Tras Street #01-01 Singapore 078996
Tel: 62248486
They are closed after lunch time and reopens for dinner. Do call them for exact operating hours. 

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