
Taiwan's FamilyMart Invaded by Little store managers 全家小小店長 太可愛~~

by - Thursday, March 20, 2014

My friend posted this on her FB wall and well at first I wasn't too 'attracted' to click on it but, oh man I am glad I did 'cause the kids are absolutely adorably CUTE in the videos!!! These little kids had on some first hand experience being the store manager of FamilyMart in Taiwan. If you have been to Taiwan before, I am sure you would have seen FamilyMart in every corner on the streets. FamilyMart is akin to 7-elevens in Singapore. The last time I was in Taiwan, hmmm 7 years ago?, times flies, I remembered we always like to hide in the FamilyMart away from the sweltering summer heat in Taiwan and purchase every kind of their delicious drinks... Of course FamilyMart in Taiwan retails many of their own exclusive merchandise! Depending on the promotional period, it can be anything ranging from Hello Kitty to Doraemon etc. etc.

Anyway the highlight of this post is to share with you guys these cute, hilarious little kids and how they dealt with customers in different situations. I wish the video was longer but nonetheless the innocent and nature of these kids were captured in just in a few minute....

Watch it for yourself to see just how funny they are~~~ ( scroll down for More and Don't click away yet)

CLICK NOW: full episode

Are you still READING my post?  Have you seen the videos above? The kids are CUTE RIGHT??!!???    Top max overloading cuteness....

I seriously applude FamilyMart for creating such an awesome advertising concept. Seriously, they have their own YouTube Channel which I totally didn't know exist. I was super hyped about it and went to checkout what other interesting videos they have filmed.

AND..... I found this FamilyMart mini drama filmed in 2011 which should be given the glory as well. My feel was that it was such a light-hearted, funny and creative film, even though it's for the sake of advertising. Perhaps other countries already have this kind of concept but I think it's a refreshing view coming from FamilyMart Taiwan.

I Sincerely hereby declare MY love for FamilyMart, Way COOL... I hope to return to Taiwan soon with this new-found love for FamilyMart~~ ^^
This is their website: http://www.family.com.tw/Marketing/index.aspx

Watch this mini drama titled:

【全家偶像劇】 永遠都想你管我 

there are 6 min series, each 3 minutes, won't cost you more that 20mins to watch them all~~ 
Bonus: The 店長's awesome smile in the film doesn't hurt :) 

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