
Refreshing Breath WIth A Pop Of IMPACT Mints

by - Friday, August 11, 2017

IMPACT Mints held its first event media event in Asia and Singapore was right smack at its very first. We were filled with "sweet" nothing in our hearts. Literally.

Feel the chill in your mouth. Anytime. 

Made in Germany, IMPACT Mint keeps your breath in minty cool condition. Always. As an infrequent sweet consumer, I am a sucker for their pretty tin packagings which comes in a convenient handy packaging with a plastic sheet insert which actually functions to keep it hygienic and makes it easy to share with friends. Popping made easy.
The mints are available in fruity zesty flavours and are sugar-free.

What Creatives.

 Do not undermine the power of these little pops because they can actually be used creatively in the preparation of any food or drinks. For example, we were treated to mint infused fruit punches for a refreshing cooling note to the otherwise "normal" punches. We love the subtle hints of chill.

I was surprised and delighted to learn that the organizers had also used shavings of mints as sprinkles and toppings for desserts like on cupcakes and cookies. That's a new idea, isn't it? 
So instead of using sugar frosting the next time round, just use IMPACT Mints! 
They made a prettier and healthier choice since these mints are sugar-free.

Do you know?

 IMPACT Mint started from Japan in 2002, followed by the rest of Asia and has always delighted the young and old with its 5 main flavours- blackcurrant, mint, strawberry, peach and its latest addition — mango.

Always Pure

You will notice that regardless of the flavours, the mints remain pure white. This is because there is no artificial colouring added and IMPACT wants to keep the mints as natural as possible.

Highlighting 2 of my favourite flavour!

Peach. This sweet smelling peachy mint will definitely let the people around you smell your sweet minty breath when conversing. Many of us adore this flavour which uses a special Japanese peach.
On the other hand, strawberry flavour is like biting into the real red juiciness with the strong strawberry notes infused with the minty sensation.

The kind folks even let us do a handmade parfait with all sorts of yummy ingredients — IMPACT Mints included of course. 
Adorable and super-fun parfaits making for the group.

IMPACT Mints are found in selected Fairprice, Cheers, 7-eleven, Giant and SHeng Siong outlets at $2.60 per box. 

That's not all.

 I have a giveaway Announcement

Wanna win a set of 5 mint flavors and share with your loved ones?

1. Simply Follow me on Instagram.com/jiahuimuses and https://www.instagram.com/impactmints/

2. Tell me your favourite flavor on my IG contest post.
And you are done!

Winners will be contacted. You have until 1 September 2017.
Thank you IMPACT Mints and Matrix Star for the fun-filled time.

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