

by - Tuesday, April 05, 2016

The pretty ladies behind Beautiful.me held a beauty bazaar in March ( opps, sorry this is backdated) at their main office in Serangoon and a group of us were privileged to be invited for their HELLO KITTY workshops!! 
Yes, you read it right. Another KAWAII session as we spent time doing handicrafts as well as bento all in the name of the mouth-less cat. 

If you have not heard, Beautiful.me is an all-inclusive beauty, health and baby products portal. Amassing a huge collection of over 100 over brands internationally, shopping on line for your daily household stocks have been made easy. What's more if you are not in urgent need of the delivery goods, enjoy free shipping (delivered within the next 3 days). How convenient ! Also there are constant promotions listed on Beautiful.me's website so sign up for their mailing list and be on your way to enjoy fabulous savings! 

Here's what happened! Take alook first at the bazaar filled with the merchant brands carried by Beautiful.me now. 

So, back to the adorable Kitty Handicraft workshop. First up! The handicraft Kitty card crafting.

Here's the instructor at work with fellow participants 
 At the end of the 1hr 30 mins session, here's Elgena and mine's proud masterpiece!! So C-U-T-E isn't it? The handcraft cards were really sweet with the 3D pop-up effects. 

 Moving on to the 2nd activity- the Hello Kitty Bento creation workshop. This very gentle and patient lady taught us very much.

The instructors's work...

Butterfingered me was not all that nimble in dealing with the small intricate parts of a bento art box but finally we were done and here's our creation!!  A pat on my shoulders for the first time effort in making bento art. Elgena on the other hand was a seasoned expert in this area, so I guess you can easily spot which one belongs to who right? :D

Elgena ger and I with our masterpiece. 

 What an enjoyable time we had and thanks to Beautiful.me for holding this wonderful classes for the bloggers as well as their customers. 
We had an awesome time, making all the Kawaii Kitty stuff! 

Thanks for reading and  Remember to shop at Beautiful.me for all your health, beauty and baby needs delivered right to your doorsteps.

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