

by - Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I think a blog post does better justification in remembrance of my love. Here goes.

To my darling  阿姨 who passed away on 23 March, 02:26 am peacefully. She who has watched me since my birth and pampered me.

It has been painful this past 1 year as we see her lost recognition and awareness of her surroundings. Open close, open close. Her eyes flickered as we called out to her. Sometimes she would look in our direction as if in recognition, but in a flash, those senses were gone. Answers are no longer important now for we believe she has been liberated from all the possible pains and had gained eternal peace.

As the eldest amongst the 9 siblings,  阿姨 was greatly respected, generous and always pampered us with KFC (her favourite). She loved to dress up and looked ever so fashionable. Black was her favourite color and she adored shopping at OG- many countless times we have been on shopping trips together since our younger days. 

How do u prepare death? There's no way to pre-amp. Things do happen out of the blue. One moment you could be tidying your house and had gone to the hospital to get treatment for some discomforts but next, things changed. A changed in dosage to get more toxi discharged from the liver, led too to high a pressure and eventually a late of oxygen to the brain, thus affecting the cognitive controls.

During this 1 year we had believed miracle would happen someday. Anything, so that she would be able to regain a clear state of mind. We had never given up hope, just became more acceptance of what was to come as time passed by.

How impactful is one's death? 
For everyone else, life goes on without anyone giving a thought who might have 'vanished' from Earth. But to us, she is precious and has left her own legacy with her family n loved ones.

U will be missed  阿姨. Love u forever.

I know you have gone on to a better place and will watch over us.


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