
[Beauty Review] Redeem your Triple Dry Anti-perspirant Roll~~

by - Monday, June 09, 2014

Perspiring under the hot sun and troubled by the sweat stains or body odour?
Worry now not with the New Triple Dry Anti-perspirant Roll On. What's so special about Triple Dry Roll on is that unlike ordinary deodorant which just musks odor, Triple Dry allows you the possibility to control excessive perspiration and keeps it under control. 

The New Triple Dry Anti-perspirant Roll Ons are antibacterial and anti-perspirant proven to protect against heavy perspiration and odour caused by bacteria in our sweat glands. Its unique triple action formula responds to your body, working when you need it most to help you stay dry all day. It also has a waterproof formula that allows you to shower and swim without reapplying and gentle enough to be suitable for sensitive skin. 

I have with me on the left, Fresh Anti-Perspirant Refreshing Ladies Fragrance Roll On in Pink
comes with a light refreshing feel that's not overpowering, the Ladies Fragrance roll is for you if you prefer some lovely lingering scent. On the right, is the Unfragranced Anti-Perspirant Roll On in Blue, a fragrance free roll, that feels so light it's like nothing at all. 

To use: Shake bottle. For optimum results apply nightly before going to bed. Wash as normal in the morning. Once perspiration is under control, you may be able to reduce application to 3 times a week.

Triple Dry Anti-perspirant Roll on are available at all Guardian Stores and now you too can now redeem a full retail-sized sample right at SampleStore! How awesome is that? Head on now! 

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