
[Beauty] PinkRoom International Nail Academy celebrates 10 years of anniversary

by - Monday, November 18, 2013

To mark their 10th year anniversary, PinkRoom isp holding an International Nail Competition and Charity Beauty Bash on Sunday, 17th November ( yes,today.. So sorry for this late announcement.I was too caught up with work etc.) at St James Power House.

Watch some of the best Nail Artists in Singapore and the Woroltld in action, as they pit their skills against one another to compete for the covetedte of overall Grand Champion. Spend an afternoon getting updated on the latest trends by beauty experts, watch exciting pole dance and Kpop dance performances, be the first to view Love Bonito's latest collection during their mini-fashion show and stand a chance to win fantastic prizes in our stage contests! Plus, get a total makeover from the experts at our Za Make-up booth, Hair-Styling booth, AngelPro Gel Manicure booth and Sally Hansen Manicure booth, and finally show off the new look at the PinkRoom Cover Girl photobooth! 
ALL proceeds from the event will go towards our chosen beneficiary, the Breast Cancer Foundation, so you get to pamper yourselves silly while also supporting a great and worthy cause!
In addition, get a chance to rub shoulders with World Champion celebrity nail artist, Eriko Kurasaki from Japan and Nail Art Aficionado, Galina Zelenova from Russia, who will fly in to Singapore to especially to judge the competition. Be sure not to miss the nail art demo on stage by Eriko and our founder, Rachel Tang, while they attempt to create the latest nail art craze on our models.
This event is open to the public.

I know... you are reading this and thinking, "But it's already over!!!" But hang on... I have more to share and a LITTLE surprise for you right at the end~~!

First, let me just introduce to you what PinkRoom International Nail Academy is all about. 

If you are looking for a school to get yourself certified as a nailist and wants to learn everything related to the art of nails, then I would definitely recommend PinkRoom International Nail Academy to you. 

The PinkRoom International Nail Academy is authorized as the affiliated training centre for various
International Nail Systems and Nail Associations, to conduct trainings, assessments and certifications in

The school is registered under MOE so you can be sure that this is not just another private school which runs the risk of packing up with your money. The PinkRoom International Nail Academy is proud to be the only nail school in Singapore that is registered as a Private Education Institution (PEI) with the Council for Private Education and this gives students a safeguard protection. 

PinkRoom is backed by a group of committed and internationally recognized master educators with
 years of experience, all of whom were hand-picked by its founder and principal, Ms. Rachel Tang herself. Furthermore, they are also fully supported by their network of international renowned masters & educators. The school regularly invites experts from this international group of overseas educators to conduct exclusive seminars & workshops to ensure all students remain relevant with the latest trends and techniques worldwide.

We had the chance to meet the founder of the school herself- Ms. Rachel Tang. Ms. Tang previously was a lecturer before making the switch over 10 years ago to focus on developing the local industry. A jovial lady, she readily shared with us her experiences, difficulties and the challenges she faced in this intensive competitive field. 

Yes- Ms. Rachel Tang herself meeting us. 

When Ms Tang came into this field 10 years ago, nail academies were relatively unheard of in Singapore. However, recent years saw a huge boom in so called 'nail schools/training centres'. Ms. Tang mentioned that though the market is getting saturated but PinkRoom stands out in ways that are distinctively their own and it has been a fruitful learning journey. 

1 feature of PinkRoom is their class size of about 20 pax. Do you think it's too huge for a hands-on curriculum? Ms.Tang explained that a huge class size is the better choice as students will be able to practice on more 'nails' of their classmates' and a huge sample size also gives better opportunity to evaluate possible arising problems on different nails conditions= more leaning points. 

There is no salon business at PinkRoom so don't expect to get any kind of nail services there. Instead they tied up with other nail salons to set up a network so that graduates can find jobs. From what we know however, most graduates of the school will set up their own nail service businesses and so it's definitely not the interests of PinkRoom to compete with their students in this pie. 

Ms. Tang also shared with us that another PinkRoom feature is how they have fixed schedules for their classes while others may offered flexible schedules and timings. A fixed schedule for classes will ensure that students stay focus and not drop out as easily when compared to only attending 'flexible' classes. 

We then went on a little tour round the academy and had a basic nail-art workshop! YEA~~ Time for some fun~ 

Huge pink brand of theirs + Shirt-dress from Headline Seoul.

 Some snacks- but we were too busy with our lessons to eat.

Our trainer for the hour- Nicole~~ 
Happened to be her birthday on the day we visited. Happy BD~

 Our first task was to create Water Marble Nail Art
omg... what? I have zero idea on what that is. And I am in  particular not very good with my hands so... ehhmmmm........... 

So we are supposed to dip alternate drops of nail varnish on top of each other. Then we are to drag them out from the centre of the puddle to the 2 sides. Lastly drag from the 2nd outermost layer straight down in the middle and then sub divide and drag top to bottom again ( but be careful not to drag till the 1st outermost layer 'cause it would have dried by then and if you pull against the dried layers, then BOOM, the whole piece of 'art' breaks into pieces!

So this is how it should appear.

The tools for the art creation.

Listening attentively.....

looks easy but it's so not..... haha

Okay whatever... time to START!! 

So I put 1 Drop of green, then... another drop of yellow.....

Trying very hard to focus and to remember the steps.

Okay the puddle of colors are ready! Now what?

The difficult part is the dragging with the toothpick portion

 Eh... which direction to drag huh? -_- stress 

 So Nicole teacher guided me... opps... haha..
It was until she drew the diagram on the board when I finally got it. I am a visual and pictorial person seriously... And I forgot to take a picture of that cute diag to show you guys! 

Min Ru here- a fren I met on that day is all smiles as she did a really great job. 
Me? Too stress to smile... ><

And so we went on to do 4 nail pieces each and it was all laughs and fun....

Okay after N attempts....

Still working on chopping the marble art effects

Okay behold, here are my final 4 pieces~~  Tada~~ 
After many failed attempts coz they broke at different points and I had to restart.
 I love them.Though not perfect but well at least I gave in my effort to complete them. *Proud*

And we were introduced to some gelish nail products.
That's PinkRoom's 10th anniversary special key chain shining~~

The Gelish polish can be dried in a few minutes with a LED Lamp which promises to be less harmful than a traditional UV Lamp.

Taking a group photo with the staff of PinkRoom.

Met a new friend- Rusty, read her blog: www.missrusty.net

PinkRoom also has a huge mart for all you mani pedi needs.If you are a business owner you are also welcomed to drop by over to purchase your supplies from them. Just drop them your name card to be entitled special biz discounts. The mart is open to the public to visit and purchase and no reservation is required.

These are the certificates that founder Ms Rachel Tang has earned for herself from overseas examinations in Japan etc.

Awards by the instructors and students from the various competitions they have participated.

 Over in the mart, some cute items spotted. Hello Kitty nail art stickers... ^^

Rows of nails essentials on display

You can find all that you need in this mart.

Visit PinkRoom International Nail Academy
10 Anson Road, #06-18, International Plaza, Singapore 079903. [ Tanjong Pagar MRT ]

Courtesy of PinkRoom I am doing a give-away, for one of you gals. 
Prize worth over $150~~

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  1. Hehe first to be done!

    Name: yingjie
    Twitter: @eijgniy
    Instagram: @fishaberry
    Email: yingjie.choon@gmail.com

    Thanks! :)


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